Hopes and Dreams in a Digital Classroom for Distance Learning

Distance teaching this fall? Looking for ways to build your community and set a positive tone for the year?  You can still make HOPES & DREAMS with your students, digitally!

Why Hopes and Dreams?

Following the philosophy of Responsive Classroom, each year I have my students create a representation of their Hopes and Dreams for the school year.  They write about their hopes and fears and also do goal-setting, by telling me about their academic goals and their social goals for the year.

We then use these Hopes and Dreams as a springboard into our conversations about what classroom rules we will need, in order to make our community feel safe and our community members to feel valuable.

We hang our beautiful Hopes and Dreams pennants up on the front dry erase board as a display for everyone to see and admire.  This allows all students to feel valued and important.  The process of establishing our Hopes and Dreams is one of the most important things we do each year.  

Distance Learning?

Now that many of us are teaching remotely, it begs the question: How do I establish a positive classroom community, online?  

Fear not!  You can STILL create your Hopes and Dreams with your students and follow best practices in Responsive Classroom, through distance learning!

I have updated my Hopes and Dreams product to include both a printable/physical version as well as an online version! 

There are 16 different colored flags to choose from and 12 templates for flags in each color!  You can choose flag templates and colors and assign these right in Google Classroom!

Once students have filled out their flags, you can create a digital banner... either as a whole class or per student!

This is an AWESOME way to get kids sharing about their hopes and dreams, things they are looking forward to or worried about, or goal-setting.  

When to Use

I'm planning on keeping my digital classroom display of our Hopes and Dreams banner displayed in each whole class online meeting we have!  I will use it as part of our Morning Meeting messages and refer back to it frequently, as we learn how to establish new rules for online learning and our digital community!  

You can purchase the whole Hopes and Dreams package here in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  It comes with over 100 pages in the printable version and over 200 pages in the digital version!

Check it out and share with any teachers who are looking for ways to use Responsive Classroom and a positive tone for their online learning!

VIDEO Support for Teachers and Students

#1 TEACHERS: Accessing Your Product (once purchased from Teachers Pay Teachers)

#2 TEACHERS: Creating the Digital Banner:

#3 STUDENTS: How to Edit Your Hopes & Dreams Flag:

In the comments below, tell me about the ways you create an online learning "community" with your students! 

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