What is Alliteration?
General alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or sound, at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. For example:
"Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."
Alliteration is a craft, which offers many effects. It can draw the reader's attention to the text. It often adds to the rhythm of the story. It can also create a mood, depending on the connotation of the particular sound being emphasized.

{This post may contain affiliate links to materials I recommend. If you purchase something using these links I may receive a small commission.}Why is Alliteration Important for Phonemic Awareness?
Being able to detect 'same sounds' in words is an early phonemic awareness skill. It helps children develop the ability to do phoneme segmentation; which is the ability to identify word parts at the sound level.
Reading stories with alliteration and playing games, which focus on identifying common sounds, are important activities for helping children learn how to listen for, identify, and reproduce individual sounds (phonemes.)
Phoneme segmentation: the ability to separate words into individual sounds (c-a-t)
Phoneme segmentation: the ability to separate words into individual sounds (c-a-t)

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