Here's what I have so far: (NOTE: my room is still partially packed from summer cleaning)
My math center and smart board.. I used to have tables here, now it will be a sitting area.
Wondering if I should get seat cushions??
My new writing center... I've added (thanks to more on that to come!) two bean bag chairs (camoflauge print), 1 football bean bag, a large pink bean bag (in the corner), and so far I have one lap desk. The green shag rug is new, too! Although it look a bit putrid here, it's actually bright and vibrant.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Student tables: I have 2 round tables and 3 clusters of desks. I also have a u-table with my new rainbow colored stools. I love the stools! I'm feeling like the tables are pretty boring... and they aren't really different or "flexible"... looking for ideas!
Reading nook... I have a small rug, 3 bean bags, one fold out cushion, and a rocking chair.
It's messy now, but I'm pretty happy with the options in here!
My new beautiful rug for Morning Meetings, whole class work, and work with the overhead projector. It's such a pretty color (in person!)
I wanted to get some seat cushions for this but was worried it would get too cluttery.. thoughts?
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