Inspiring Quotes

Ever since I was a middle-school kid, I've always been drawn to quotes.  When I would find something written eloquently, something that spoke to my heart, I would write it down in a little journal.  Eventually, I had a 'diary' of quotes.  I just came across one of my all time favorites, and I thought I would share it.  When I first read it, I thought it was about education, then I remembered who Pearl Bailey was and realized her audience.  Either way, it's one I keep with my favorite quotes about teaching:

"I see their souls, and I hold them in my hand, and because I love them, they weigh nothing."  -- Pearl Bailey

Are you a quote collector?  If so, share a quote you like, one that inspires you, or one that makes you smile!


  1. I love that MJ quote - "I have something more important than courage - I have *patience.* I will become what I know I am ... legendary." I have that quote up in my room, along with "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" from Friday Night Lights. :)

    1. Those are awesome quotes to have in a classroom! I have a few up in my classroom too. Yours reminded me of one the kids love: “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” Arnold H. Glasgow
      Thanks for sharing :)

      The Learning Lab

  2. This is a quote that always makes me think...

    "Heathen...If it meant anything, it meant people who don't know what's sacred. Are there any such people? 'Heathen' is merely a word for somebody who knows a different sacredness than you know." - Voices by Ursula K LeGuin

    1. Whoa--that's a great quote. I love when a quote stops you in your tracks like that, causing you to think... thank you so much for your share!

      The Learning Lab
