Resources to Teach Descriptive Language in Writing

I LOVE the book I Can Write Like That by Susan Ehmann and Kellyann Gayer.  

I used this text to create a fun lesson plan around the Red Clover Books we read.  

See my full lesson plan on this prezi:

In a nut shell:  I read some amazing examples of descriptive language, we discussed them, and then students found examples they felt were descriptively lovely from classroom texts.  The next day, we reviewed and students decided to edit their own writing; so, they highlighted text they wanted to spice up, then worked on adding descriptive elements.  Such a simple and fun lesson = lovely writing! :)





Here are some Descriptive Language Posters I made for my class.  I introduce one at a time.  I LOVE that I see my kiddos going up to the posters ALL THE TIME during writing!  It feels good to know I made something useful and that they are using these skills to intentionally make their writing descriptive!

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